Preserved Lemons

Preserved Lemons

When lemons are in abundance, don’t let them just rot on the tree. Here's how to utilize them


  • 10 lemons
  • 1 cup sea salt
  • 10-20 fresh bay leaves
  • 4 teaspoons of fennel seeds
  • 4-6 cinnamon sticks


  1. Cut lemons into quarters, keeping bases on.
  2. Rub a generous amount of sea salt into the center of each lemon, (at least a couple of tablespoons).
  3. Place lemons in the sterilised jars with bay leaves a cinnamon stick and a teaspoon of fennel seeds.
  4. Sprinkle two more tablespoons of sea salt into the jar. Add enough lemon juice to cover the lemons.
  5. Seal and store in a cool place. Try to store for two months for maximum flavor and preservation.
  6. When ready to use just rinse with water then cut away and discard the flesh and slice into sizes you need.
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